Gamla religioner

About Samhain and what it is not a celebration of


Adonis and Venus/Aphrodite Always the mother goddess young lover was killed...

Adonis, Astarte and the red red blood Always he dies...

Adonis rebirth

A dying god - Adonis
A dying god - Attis
A dying god Baal: Baals similarity to Osiris is confusing - maybe they are not the same kind of dying gods? One should not forget the bull in the myth
A dying god Dionysos: Dionysos and the death
A dying god - Balder
A dying god - Dumuzi
A dying god - Osiris

A few random Chumash Myths

Ainu Mythology: Bear rituals

Akhenaten's religion

Akitu Festival




Alfa-blot (utan blot)

Algol's Eclipse Impact on how to calculate the activities of ancient Egypts Gods

All the conflicting stories of Anna Perrenna

Altai beliefs

Analyzing mythological Jupiter

Ancestor Worship with masks Romans

- How the Inca saw the stars
- Royal Stars of Persia
- Greek Star Myths
- Some Chinese Star Myths

Ancient Bear rituals - shown in Sami and other old polar peoples traditions Sami women like other women looks through a brass or metal ring on the religiously dangerous bear

Ancient Celtic Religion

Ancient Egypt New Year/ Opening of the year seems to have coincided with flooding of the Nile in what would have been our september...

Ancient Midsummer Traditions

Ancient beliefs in Beltane and the Sun

Ancient Celtic Religion

Ancient Etruscan Goddess Uni

Ancient flood myths

Ancient Mithra Worship on Corsica What's so strange about that? Roman soldiers worshipped Mithra in a big way!

Ancient goddess of sex and war

Ancient Tales and Myths spreading through Europe and more areas There's a map too. Wonderful info and statistics!!

Ancient Roman Festival calendar

Ancient Roman Belief: Sirius and the Dog Days of Summer

Anna Perenna

Anna Perenna: All the conflicting stories of

Ancient Peruvian priest burial 3000 years old

Aprils Fools Day - chaos before rebirth
-April Fools Day
-Poisson D'Avril
-Akitu and chaos

Ancient bull worship

Ancestor Worship in the ancient middle east

Ancient Festival of Mehrgan PDF

Ancient snake worship? (Kamyana Mohyla I)

Ancient Taboo on Hares and chickens in old Britain



Aphrodite from the sea

April 30th, Valborg/Walpurgis Night- a magic night in Scandinavia The witching hour - everything can happen


Ashera (same kind of skirt and appearance as the ancient Cretan priestesses)

Asatro - Fornnordisk religion


Atargatis och Hadad Kattdjuren och oxarna samt fisken

Attis and the pine tree (the pine tree is the important thing - not the castration)

Att dö och födas igen av den stora modern var säkert en gång för väldigt länge sedan en konfirmation/pubertetsrit

Autumnal Equinox – Fall Equinox


A world tree is common for several old religions. The old nordic germans hade beliefs about a world tree. Siberians and several others must have had the same?!

Axial age


Aztec Human Sacrifices

Aztec religion (Religion for Breakfast)


Baal = Hadad = Rammanu = Iskur Thunder-/Bull-deities (there should be a bull calf in the worship too, but can't find it in any depiction)

Baal Worship

Babyloniska Shamash jagade bort skuggorna och representerade lagen

Babyloniska stjärnkartan med gudar o andra ikoner


Balder dör vid juletid (Gud associerad med solen)

Balders bål The funeral pyre of Baldur

Baldr - the Asir God

Batteriets historia - bl.a. dess ursprung hos de underbart tekniskt kunniga Kaldéerna GULDLEGERINGAR ( en viss efterfrågan för att kunna verka riktigt gudomlig med guldhatt eller liknande - se ovan)

Bau - the Dog & Healing Goddess Ancient Mesopotamian Goddess


Bear altar of Chauvet cave

Bear Cult - Ainu

Bear Cult in Ancient China

Bear Cult - Sami

Bear Woman

Cave Bear Worship in the Paleolithic


Before Nowruz the zooroastrians celebrate the sixth Gahambar when they remember the ancestors (mid-march)







Beowulf - Nordeuropas största mytsaga som påverkade Tolkien

Berg är heliga platser i både Colombia och Peru

Body, soul and landscape in the Ancient Andeans

Bon-/Bön-religion Sketchy but succinct summary

Book of Invasions as told by Overly Sarcastic Productions

Bostäder - cirkumpolära området 1000-1900-tal

Bread of the dead

Briefly on the belief system of Dongria Kondh

Brigid Goddess of Spring, Fertility, and Life in Celtic religion





Brigit (the celtic goddess)

Cailleach loses power in spring

Bull head Observe the horns

Bull Mythology of Antiquity


Cave Art: David Lewis-Williams interpreted the shamanistic experience depicted in the cave art

Celtic Halloween Beliefs

Cerberus var den typ av mytiska vovve som direkt sniffade sig till den dödes själ

Chinese Mythology Creation Story Explained in Animation

Chumash Creation Myth



Cirkumpolär tradition - Sibirian and Indian Creation Myths:

A Blackfeet Creation Myth

An Evenk Creation Myth

Death of the Suns Daughter Sami Myth

Inca Creation Myth Computer Video

Inuit Creation Myth Computer Video

Native American Myths of Creation

Old Beliefs of the Yukaghir

Popul Vuh - the ancient Creation Myths of the Maya People

The Son of the Sun courting in the land of the Giants Sami Myth


Colors of Easter

Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi (Venus and the Shepherd god)

Coyote and Eagle steal the Sun and the Moon

Coyote created the humans - sometimes he spies on them and every body else in this world

World Mythology (Crash Course: Mythology)

Creation Story of the Maya


Cultic Celebration of the Fall Equinox

Cybele - a mother goddess

Datumet för Stonehenge klart: 2 300

Day of the Dead/Dia De Los Muertos
-Astronomia de los Muertos

Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead/Dia De Los Muertos

Day of the dead

Day of the dead

Day of the dead National Geographic

Days of the Dead in Mexico


December solstice
- Saturnalia
- Dongzhi
- Shab-e Yalda
- Winter Solstice - Winter solstice and the temples of Karnak
- Winter solstice at Chichen Itza
- Kolyada


Dedi/Djedi myths

De fredliga Buid förklarar mytiskt aggressionerna i vår värld

De magiska tingen låg i kistan som låg i kistan som låg i kistan Precis som trollkarlens hjärta som låg i asken som låg i fågelns mage...

Den nordeuropeiske guden Ull förknippades med lagar och eder (och kanske bronsålderns gamla solgud)

Den Persiska SenMurven (En slags Fågel Fenix eller Gryphon) är god till skillnad från den Skythiska Senmurven - men båda har en relation till kunskapens träd och det kosmiska ägget (Den sumeriska varianten kanske inte är jämförbar egentligen - den myten är mycket äldre och kanske obegriplig för oss som försöker tolka)

Den Polynesiska kulturen påverkade Mellanamerika och Madagaskar Undrar om Påskökulturen och Polynesierna i sin tur var påverkade av den gamla Sydkinesiska/Taiwanesiska kulturen? (Fyrkantiga gubbar och människooffer)

Den polynesiska sakrala kroppsbemålningen handlade om roll, stamtillhörighet och beskydd mot faror

Den stora modern

Den stora modern i Catal Huyuk

Den stora moderns relation till katter

Den 25 mars återuppstod alltid Attis (en könsneutral gud)

Den Yesidiska minoriteten i Irak ligger risigt till Precis som Mandéer och flera andra

Det kanske har att göra med eskatologin från stäppen - persernas föreställningsvärld och Johannes döparens sekt - en helt annan religiös kultur än den judiska

Dionysian Mysteries


Dionysos boat
- About Dionysos

Diverse Shamanisms in the Nepal Himalayas

Does Baba Yaga lose power in spring or not? hard to understand...

Dongria Kondh försvarar gudarna i bergen

Dongria Kondh:s Sacred Mountain is threatened by the big bad corporation

Dragons Ronald Hutton

Drought/Torka - Water/Vatten - Dragon/Snake/Orm - a seasonal change with ritual and myth (säsongsbunden myt o rit)
- New Year Water Rituals
- The Green Man and his relation to Water
- The Hero slays the dragon/Water dragon
- Illuyankas
- Jörmungandr/Midgards snake/Midgard Serpent
- Thors Fishing Trip when he catches the Midgard Serpent

Dragons and water Kevin MacLean
- Dragons and water (amongst other things) Crecganford
- The feathered snakes' relationship to water
- Yinglong

During Lemuria there was a strange offering of beans to the dead

During Setsebun there is a strange offering of beans to ward off evil spirits

Dyrkan av Europas gamla gudar i stjärnhusen - äntligen börjar vi gräva och fundera - HÄRLIGT!

Dyrkan av Tengri - Mongoliets och den sibiriska kulturens shamanistiska religion (Shamaner talar med andarna, demonerna och de kan guida själen. Det gör inte de bofasta folkens präster, imamer och hindupräster lika lätt)

Early Uighur/Yugur religion to the time of conversion to Islam

Eggs, Easter and Ishtar

Egyptiska gudar

Eingana - the Aboriginal mother goddess
- The birth-giving mother goddess on the Goebekli Tepe Stele is very similar to Eingana Maybe this myth is 60 000 years old?


En god NY DAG - 21:a mars Nawruz, No Ruz, Nowrooz - m.fl. namn för nytt år i Asien - firas från Persien till Uzbekistan (solen i vädurens tecken / vårdagjämning)

Enkidu myth

En mandé i Sverige berättar om Mandéerna Johannes döparens egen sekt

Emperor moths and the shamanistic ritual

En helig plats på Öland

En midsommaruppsats



Eostre was she a goddess - or not?

Eostre/Ostara and the hare


Esna Temple and the Sun and Moon Gods

Etruscan gods

Ett sätt att tolka den syriske Adonis (Guden vars manliga röda blod och livskraft skulle offras vart år för att samhället och gudinnan skulle må bra och leva vidare)

Ett äktenskap kan säkert bli väldigt väl välsignat även om de görs av en av jordens äldsta kulturer för turistpengar! Allt blir bra och alla får påse : )

Falcon god and the head

Fall equinox

Faxekvinnans gravrum och dess plats i universum

Fear of Demons

Fear of twins

February is the Purification Festival month in the ancient Roman Calendar

Feniciska gudar

Fenja and Menja and the salt mill (why the ostersea is salt...)


Fertility day

Festivals at the grave of the hero or king

Festivals in ancient Egyptian calendar

Field of Reeds

Finally a good text on astronomy and landscape in the Hittite lands

Flood myths

Flood Stories

Flora Maj månads gudinna under annat namn


42 Laws Of Maat

Fortuna bringar lycka och tur... hurdå?

Fox - Folklore

Freyas cats
- Lady of Catal Höyuk with cats
- Ishtars cat

Frog and Toad myths

Från början var Stilla havets TREDJE kön (Fa’afafine / Mahu / Fakaleiti / Whakawahine /‘Akava’ine/ Vaka sa lewa lewa/ Rae rae/ Fiafifine) en person med en viktig socio-religiös roll i varje by - att ena de två andra könen när de inte förstod varandra Idag är de offer för utanförskap, socialt, sexuellt förtryck samt sjukdomen HIV

Från Kanaan över Siani - in i Egypten kom guden Haurun - beskyddaren, helaren och den segerrike herden Semitiska gäst-gruvarbetare spred denna gud. Med sig tillbaks till den västsemitiska världen tog de förenklade språktecken (början till vårt alfabete).

Fåglarna och det kosmiska ägget - en av våra allra äldsta myter De gamla myterna finns kvar som rester litet här och där, bl.a. i Sibirien och Ryssland

Förkristen jul i norden

Första april - åsnans och dumskallarnas dag (Det här är en kommersiell sajt men texterna är bra ändå.)

Första mötet mellan drottningen av Saba och kung Salomo


Scythian religion

- Nut
- Osiris
- Isis
- Adonis
- Summer Solstice Mythology: Midsummer Night

Geb and Nut

Geb - the earth god

Gelede masks Yorubans

Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven

God without name

Gog från Magog Gog (med litet olika stavning och uttal) nämns i Israeliska, Kristna och Muslimska religiösa texter. Han är associerad med domedag och världsslut i vissa fall.

Granatäpplets mysteriska verkan

Granatäpplets symboliska verkan

Grekiska gudar

Grekiska o Romerska Nymfer Litet underlig stavning på sidan MEN ändå en rätt så bra lista med de flesta Nymferna


Gudar i det gamla Egypten - Egyptiska gudar var väldigt många. Alla kanske inte är med.

Gudinnans andra heliga tempel - med eller utan heligt botande vatten - med eller utan relation till stjärnorna Häng inte upp er på geometri versus stjärnorna nu! Fördjupad information kommer väl fram när övriga samband har klarnat. Ett steg i taget!

Gudinna (ej Freja) med katter
Lussekatterna o Freja

Gula the Dog goddess and the goddess Bau (Bow-wow) Hundar 'såg' nog de onda andarna som skapade sjukdom och kunde skydda mot dessa



Halloween Irish

Hamlets mill

Hekate and the full moon One of the sacrifices to Hekate was honey

Hekate var aktiv på natten i månljuset - ibland associerades hon med grodor men det hade nog inte med fertilitet att göra



Hestia (Female Fire)

Hettiternas gudar


Hilaria & Holi & April Fools Day

Hittite struggle against the chaos dragon Iliyanka and the victory festival Purulli

Holi Festival

Hon var nog budbärare till gudarna - inte direkt ett offer till gudarna


How to use a bull-roarer Video

Huset på Klintastaven

Hutash - the autumn festival of the Chumash


Höstdagjämning och Mehregan

Ibland kommer vargen ikapp Sol

Ideas and thoughts on Maya/May/Maia

If Nut was the Milky way - what was Geb?



Imbolc Spring Festival



In Ancient Asa Belief there was Ice, A Cow and a newborn grownup Man (born from the ice)

Inanna and Dumuzi

Influences on Halloween

Inkans huvudgud Viracocha var den sanna solen = Jupiter = Fader tid/Den gamle mannen med käppen (Precis som i Eurasiens gamla myter och föreställningar om Jupiter)

In kommer killarna med guldhattar och de är gudar (åtminstone säger de det själva)

Inside an Apache Rite of Passage Into Womanhood

Inuit Mythology Summary - not in-depth details

Irisagrig can't be found without the looters Pity

Ishtar Gate - the Eight Gate of Babylon

Isis och de sju skorpionerna (och frågan om rättvisa, empati, ärbart handlande, jämlikhet och SPINNKONSTEN)

Isis, the boat and Stella Maris

Jack and the Beanstalk Wonder if it has somekind of a Middle Eastern mythological origin

Jack in the Green and several other European Green mythical figures

Joshi firas i maj i Kalashernas land

June Solstice

Juno Februata - some of the myths around Juno Februata is not true

Juno Februata - some of the myths around Juno Februata is not true

Jupiters Day = Thors Day

Kakadu National Park - Rock Art Sacred Place < /H3>

Kan dom ha använts som LAMPOR under festivalen/kulthandlingen?

Karos thanksgiving festival of flowers and fruit


Kelterna firade Samhain/Halloween oktober slut/1 november

Keltiska gudar

Khoiak Festivals Ancient Egypt

Kontakt med förfädersanderna via himmelskonstellationerna? Kontakt med gudarna? (för att befria sig från sjukdomens förbannelse alltså?)

Korean Shamanism

Koryakernas högsta väsen

Kubaba ruled Carchemish - gave them wealth and prosperity

Ku'urkil the big Raven - the Chukchee creator of the world

Kärleksgudinnor man minns Inanna

Kärleksgudinnor man minns Ishtar

Kärleksgudinnor man minns Venus

Könsöverskridande shamaner Svårläst pga. bakgrundsbild - går att läsa om man kämpar



Lemuria "I send these; with these beans I redeem me and mine"


Leo (Hercules battled and won over the Nemean Lion)

Let there be love, feasting, fertility and joy


Lion goddesses:

Asherah - Lion Lady
Durga Maa rides lions or cats
Freyas cats


Lion mythology

Loke - en fräck, företagsam kulturspridargud från Norden Spider God - maybe firegod - maybe not

Luftens dotter Ilmatar, äggen och världens skapelse Finsk mytologi





Lughnasadh - Cross Quarter Day

Lughnasad/Lhammas/First Harvest


Lugh of the long arm

Lugh of the long arm

Lugh with the long arm is celebrated at 1 of august (Lammas/Lughnasad) A celebration of the warrior AND a first fruit festival?


Lusse brud



Madame Pele

Madurai Meenakshi Temple

Maia Maj månads gudinna



Mamurius Veterius - the scapegoath smith of March 14th Signifies fight between death and life? New and old year?



March Equinox

Marimo Matsuri En festival för Ainu och Alger

Macha Myth

Magic and religion Angela's Symposium

March/Vernal Equinox


Matariki 2023

Maya religion - Classic Time

Maybe it's an Indra-worship tradition - but the roots been forgotten?

Maybe the earliest creation myths

Maypole Dance

Maypole It could have been the other way around! An earth god and a sky goddess!

Meandash crosses the river of blood to find both his past and his wifes Ancient Sami myth


Melissa - honungsbiens gudinna


Mesopotamian magic Dr Irving Finkel

Mesopotamian view on the afterlife and underworld



Milky Way Spirals and the Cosmic Moose (The Great Goddess is of course one theory but there can be many more myths behind this)

Minoan Religion - we know almost nothing about it But now the mother goddess is at least certain

Mithras and the Divine Bull

Mithras föds vid juletid (Solgud)

Mithra - soldaternas gud

Mithras was born 25th december
- As was Mithra
- In India there is a Mitra who is lord of heaven and morninglight
- Yalda


Modern remnants of ancient celestial worship

Maslenitsa Please observe - site belongs to Russia Today
Mardi Gras
Fastlagsbullen / Semlan
Venice Festival
Shrove Tuesday / Pancake day

~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~


Moist Mother Earth / Mokosh / Mati Syra Zemlya
Queen Mother of the West
Bear Woman
Mae Nak Phra Khanong


Modergudinnan/Mothergoddess I : Venus from Dordogne The Moon Cycle and the Female Mystery Fertility (Foremothercult? and Initationrituals for teenage girls?)

Modergudinnan/Mothergoddess II: Inanna the Moon Goddess and the Source of All Life

Moder jord vill ha blod i karnevalen La Diablada

Modern Coya Raymi/Ccoya Rymi Ccoya Raymi is an ancient Incan holiday (Feast of the moon)

Moist Mother Earth / Mokosh / Mati Syra Zemlya


Mounykhia Ancient greek festival at around april full moon

Moongod found

Moonlight ceremonies with the assistance of quartz

Moon Lore

Moon-Woman in Selk'Nam Society

Moon worship

Myten om lepraguden Nanahuatl och den femte solen Mexikansk tidig religion

Myten om Svankvinnan (Mikronesien)

Myten om Svankvinnan (Irland)

Myth in use both in Indoeuropean AND North-american indian cultures

Myth of the dragon teeth

Myths of Tammuz and Ishtar

Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami 2014 Ancient Snake Worship Festival of India

Native American Tricksters of Myth and Legend

Nature worship in siberian shamanism

Navajo Creation Myth

Navajo 4 Worlds

Navroz/Nowruz/Noruz The New Year starts 20 Mars 2012

Neanderthals burial practices and theory on their religion (if they had one - no secure evidence yet)

Nerthus Den stora gudinnan

New Years celebration - origins

Niahs Boats of the Dead

9000 year old mask from the West bank


Njord - the god of the water. Or is he?

Novembers fullmåne kallas Ill Poya

Nowruz / Naw-Rúz / Norooz


När Lemuria börjar den 9 maj öppnas porten till de dödas värld igen ett kort tag

Oldest stories/myths in the world

Old Man leading Migration Blackfoot Myth of Origin (Ice, cow-horns etc.)

Old religious customs of Scandinavia (Let's talk religion)

Old-Turkic Deities

Om den etruskiska modergudinnan Uni

Om djursymboler hos Monica B Hur symbolerna funkar i olika religioner - kortfattat och bra

Om Lupercalia och andra romerska högtider

Om Megalitgravarna

One can clearly see the cluster of the Pleiades on the Nebra Disk The Spring festival (Ex: An.Tah.Sum) starts when the Pleiades dissappears (Spring Equinox) and ends when they come back (Ex: Walpurgis/Beltaine) It usually takes 40 days

One of the fertility cults Please mother nature - make our land fertile and prosperous again. We beseach you.

One Day the Artemis Cult lost to Christianity (the christian mob brought the temple at Ephisos down)

Origin of Hathor is very complicated and very ancient Before Egypt was Egypt and probably NO Middle-East or other cattle-culture connections. Probably only African religious culture in origin. Maybe Cattle-Cult started because it signalled Wealth?

Origins of religion? It's one idea and it's a bit interesting

Orion - ancient myths in different cultures

Orion and other constellations in Japanese Star Lore

Orion as the hunter

Orion as the hunter in ancient Greece

Osiris Scale (Libra) weighs equal in autumn equinox (the days equally long)

Ostara - theories



Pan (protector from the wolfs) day

Panathenaic games (Panathenaia)

Parentalia ended with Feralia

Parentalia, Feralia & Carista

Parts of the Bes cult is thoroughly nauseating.

Pashtunwali Pashtunernas samhällsregler är säkert resterna av en urgammal kultur och dess religion. Undrar hur långt den här kulturen sträckte sig?


Passover and the rain in Canaan



Phoenician child sacrifice

Place of Tengri worship found

Please mother nature - make our land fertile and prosperous again. We beseach you.
- Let there be love, feasting, fertility and joy



Plejaderna i oktober vittnar om att bryggan/porten till de dödas värld är gångbar/öppen ett kort tag Det är då de döda och de levande möts

Plejaderna världen runt


Pluto, ancient romans god of wealth

Polynesisk mytologi

Polyniska Hina Kvinnan i månen

Polynesiska Pele Vulkan- o eldkvinnan

Polynesiske ödleguden Mo'o beaktas fortfarande

Popol Vuh

Popol Vuh

Popol Vuh (Ancient Americans)


Psychopomps (depiction from Wiki) There are many fake psychopomps around in these times. They take peoples money to perform homemade ceremonies.

The Psychopomp often have two roles - as a soulguide he/she can help with healing if possible and help the dead soul to afterlive

Pygmalion and Galatea Greek Myth

Psychopomps (depiction from Wiki) There are many fake psychopomps around in these times. They take peoples money to perform home made ceremonies.

Pythian games

Pythian Games/Delfi Games/Games of Apollo

På vårdagjämningen i Chichen Itza ser man Den Befjädrade Ormen (Kukulkan) slingra sig ner för pyramiden

Qing Ming



Religion among the Roma

Religion and expressive culture - Andamanese people

Religion, manipulation and power Very interesting!

Religion och vetenskap går ibland hand i hand

Religious importance of athletics

Religious Resources - sacred texts archive

Rhymes that helped the farmer

Ritual Mesoamerican ball game and the myth behind it

Roma beliefs and practices (Religious Tolerance webb)

Roma Morality, Spirituality and Religion ("...Women in turn are dishonoured by public mention of sexual acts. Reference to any such topics is therefore avoided in mixed company...")

Romancing the Bee

Romans’ cultural appropriation of Egyptian Gods

Saba - en gång ett matriarkat? (kanske/kanske inte)

Sacred burial ground? Tänk om de begravde sina religiösa experter (präster) vid Stonehenge?

Sagan om Ane den gamla är en mytrest från tiden då vi i Norden också offrade unga män för att säkra samhällets fortsatta existens med deras virila och aggressiva blod.

Sainte Sarah la Kali




Samhain is NOT a Celtic God of Death Celtic and pre-christian European religion

Samhain myths

Samiska kultplatser

Samhain is not a god - it's a holy time when the door to the place of the dead opens (Some star constellation must be positioned correctly so the dead can visit their living relatives)

Sapmi Spirituality

Sarvva den kosmiska älgen


Scandza Stonehenge FOUND Maybe we'll find the seven sleeping men now

Scythian religion

Selk'nam religion

Selk'nam mythology

Selknam (Early South-American) bodypaint is similar to Australian Aborigin ritual body painting seen in early photos

Senor del Gran Poder

Serpents in Mexican culture

Seven Sacred Cherokee Ceremonies

Seven Sisters

Seven sisters of Harappa

Shab-e Yaldā/Shab-e Chelle

Shamanen i grottan Pech Merle - istidens europeiska jägare

Shamash - the Sun God who was responsible for truth, justice and traveled in the sun chariot

Sheela-na-gigs - the ancient frog godess of Ireland is connected both to water, fertility and birth

She Wolf day!

Sierskan från Shahr-i Sokhta kom från en intressant och mysko kultur där jämlikhet mellan könen kanske spelade en viss roll (Helmand-dalen i nuvarande Iran)

Sirius - hundstjärnan

Skoll och hate jagar måne och sol (The wolfs who hunt moon and sun in ancient nordic mythology)

Slaviska gudar och traditioner

Smidesgudar man minns - Credne och Goibniu

Smidesgudar man minns - Hefaistos och Kabeiroi

Snake Goddess

Sol Invictus

Snow maiden
- Yuki-Onna


Spännande värre Var det här edsbanden knöts samt regler och lagar bekräftades?

Smidesgudar man minns - Kothar-wa-Khasis

Stenålderns sälkult?

Spring Equinox

Spring equinox is 20 March

Spring Equinox at Chichen Itza

Spring/March Equinox

Spring Equinox 2023

Stäppens gudar i Tatarernas forntid

Sulis healing power (the lady of the lake?)

Sumeriska gudar Gudarna i Mesopotamien

Summer Solstice
- Everything you ever wanted to know about Summer Solstice

Summer starts 1 of may with celebration of Beltane (Celtic, Ancient European)

Summer Solstice and Sacred fire extinguishing ceremonies during Canadian National Aboriginal Day/First Nations Day

Summer solstice 2020

Sun creation myths

Sun Worship

Sun Worship

Sun worship

The myth of Sekhmet: the eye of Ra


Sol Invictus and Christmas

Pongal january 2018


Mithras Cult (Roman)

Mithras Cult (Persian)



Svenskt HällristningsForskningsArkiv

Symmachus och hans vänner levde i luxuöst överflöd och försökte bevara hela den gamla hedniska kulturen - med och mot kristendomen i Roms sista dagar De förstod att något skulle hända men de förstod inte vad

Taboo/Tapu and the Coronavirus


Tamu Losar

Tamu Losar

Tanith idols in the sea

Tattoos in India Dalit community

Taurus the bull of heaven


Thales of Miletos

The Anatolian Frog Goddess

The Ancient Nordic Hunting Magic

The ancient ritual music Zar (Mahazer)

The ancient Roman God Mars On March the 14th there is a scapegoat ceremony and the old Mars leaves for the new Mars

The ancient romans celebrated Anna- Perenna the 15 of march New life begins

The ancient romans celebrated Parentalia in february a festival concerning the dead

The Ancient Queen of Heaven stands on Cats (Inanna/Astoreh/Ishtar/Astarte etc)

The Aztecs and Blood as Food for the Gods

The Aztec New Fire Ceremony

The bad old days revisited

The ballgame between the hero twins and the lords of the underworld in Xibalba

The belief in the magic power of Human Blood

The belief in Witch-bottles

The book of invasions

The Chaos of Saturnalia

The Chaos of Kronia (Cronia/Chronia)

The Cult of the dying young Attis, the mother goddess Cybele and the pine tree worshipped by the bleeding castrated Galli priests

The beans of Anthesteria

The beans of Lemuria

The Big Gods-theory Ara Norenzayan

The bullacrobats of Knossos

The burial customs of the Lhoba is probably not unique It must be a rest of a very ancient (stone age?) way of burying the dead

The Cattle raid of Cooley Celtic Myth

The concept of Good and Evil in Native American religion seems to be poorly understood

The death and resurrection of the egyptian god Osiris

The descent of the feathered snake the 23 of september

The divine family

The dog Spot guarded the afterlife

The dog/jakal Anubis, afterlife and keeping Chaos at bay

The dog star and Göbekli Tepe (It's just a theory!)

The Early Philistines Prof. Israel Finkelstein

The Etruscan gods

The Everyday Worship of the Chtonic Deities in Ancient Thracia

The Falling Asleep of the Virgin Mary

The Fates weaving power

The Feathered Snake will descend Templo de Kukulkán at Chichen Itza March the 21th 2012

The Field of Reeds Egyptian afterlife

The first ghosts One of Irvin Finckels fantastic lectures

The Fish, The Star and the representation of Gods in the ancient Indus Script

The Fox's Noa name (Sometimes when we fear someone/something we don't use the name - we use a Noa name instead because the real name is taboo)

The frog and the goddess When Air Pressure drops the frog moves from holes and puddles. When Air Pressure drops there is a good chance of rain...

The goddess Chalchihuitlicue is the sixth lord of the night

The goddesses before Muhammed (PBUH) in the Kaaba

The Hall of the Bulls in Lasceaux Cave

The Hero Twins myth in Mesoamerica Similar Hero Twins myths existed/exists in the whole of the Americas (Twin myths also exist all over the world)

The Hindu God Shiva rides the Nandi Bull Nandi means Joyfull

The Isthtmian Games/Ishtmia started as a funeral rite (Corinth, ancient Greece)
compare with ->Picture of funeral rites (chariot races) at the Kivik grave (bronz age in Skåne, Sweden)

The Laos Frog Dance

The fire, the light, the corn of Eleusinia

The Goddess Meenakshi is fisheyed (eyes formed like fish) and she is worshiped in a hall for eight goddessses

The Icarus myth

The Kings religious function in ancient Rome

The Lucia Tradition of Sweden concerns bread (in form of cats) and light

The mayan cyclic end of time-myth contains stories of star constellations - amongst them the cosmic crocodile who gnaws on the roots of the tree of life
- The scandinavian cyclic end of time-myth (Ragnarök) contains stories of star constellations - amongst them the dragon (Nidhögg) who gnaws on the roots of the tree of life

The month of Tammuz

The Myth of Adapa

The myth of Sekhmet: the eye of Ra

The Nordic Myth of the Celestial Mill (Grottesången) talks about greed, war and peace The Swedes are viewed as greedy and cruel in this myth

The Norns weaving power

The old Bee-keepers autumn-festival in worship of the god Hobnil should have been celebrated about now But the cult of the god and the royal lady is gone

The old Irish Lughnasad fair at Carman

The redness of Mari

Theories on the origin of the Spanish Bullfighting

The Pagan Aspects of the Swedish Lucia Tradition The Lusse cats sweet bread = Freyas Cats?

The people who celebrate the feast of the bearded seal

The Pleiades
Timekeeping with the Pleiades in ancient cultures

The pleiades and Halloween

The Rainbow Serpent Summaric description of the creator spirit

There are foxes on the pillars of temple of Göbekli Tepe (animals surrounding the dead?)

"The rise of the Sun God and the determination of destiny in ancient Middle East" by Janice Polonsky

The ritual specialists of Göbekli Tepe - a theory Religion for breakfast

The Roman Cult of Mithras involves lions

The Sacredness of the Dingo

The Shaman of Szczecin

The Significance of the Bear Ritual Among the Sami and Other Northern Cultures

The Snake Goddess No one really knows anything about her cult - but there is a lot of guesses

The Storm Bull of Anatolia

The Story of Sedna

The Sun Gods axe and Thors hammer

The 12 days of Akitu (Zag-Mug)

The Veddah People - the dvellers of the forest

The very old religious ways

The Viksö Helmet (Denmark - Broze age) Observe the horns - a bull cult priests helmet?

The Vulture Symbol in Maya Culture

The way to Xibalba via underground caves from earth (presumably when the soul could not wander to the milky way?)

The Yearly Rituals of the Ancient Inka People


Tibetan marriages Something very old, something completely different

Tibetan Sky Burial

Tinkufestivalen säkrar god skörd med blodspillan Anderna

Tjutjekernas gudar

Today is the day (21th june 2009)

Toraja Religion The Spirit Houses are formed like boats


Trees are for the living - Stones are for the dead

Tsagaan Sar

Tuatha de dannan When the rulers claim to be gods (or in any case very entitled - more so than anyone else.)


Turtle Island myth (among other facts)
Turtle in Chinese mythology


Turkar och mongoler från stäppen dyrkade ursprungligen Tengri och bestämde tiden med plejaderna

Twelwe Days of Chaos after Winter Solstice Cronia
Twelwe Days of Chaos after Winter Solstice Sacaea
Twelwe Days of Chaos after Winter Solstice Saturnalia


- The Dogos Nommo Worship TWIN GODS
- Ymir the ancient Asa-belief Twin God without twin
- Ancient Hindu God Yama - TWIN
- The Hero Twins myth in Mesoamerica Similar Hero Twins myths existed/exists in the whole of the Americas (Twin myths also exist all over the world)
- Tyr loses his hand to Fenrir From Scandinavian Myths
- Ymir From Scandinavian Myths
- Castor and Pollux - twins and military leaders


2000 year old snake altar

Udhauli Parva


Upper Tibet and its Gods


Uråldrig helig bollsport


Utu/Shamash - the lawgiver Sol- och laggivargud

Valborg, Walpurgis nacht - night of the witches (Ancient European)

Valborg En teori

Veneralia (1:a april) med flera antika romerska helgdagar och festligheter under månaden april

Vernal Equinox

Vinalia Rustica

Vintersolståndet/Winter Solstice Info
- Maeshowe Sun
- Scotland, the Stones and the Sun
- Orkneyjar - ancient nordic sun cult was part of a way of life once

Votive offering to Zeus - a bull figurine



Våroffer man minns

Vårt gemensama afrikanska religiösa ursprung Rester av ritualer i Botswana - fantastiskt fynd

Völur (Viking religion)

Walpurgis Night


Walpurgis Nacht/Walpurgis Night

Water Serpents in different religions British Museum

When an Arnhem land-boy becomes a Man

When Hermes stole Apollos cattle

When Raven stole the Sun, Stars and Moon

When the Xhosa-boy becomes a Man

When Thors Hammer Was Stolen Asatro-Myth

Why the foxes tail is black (Peruan myth concerning the sky constellaitons and the belief of a 'sea' in the sky)

Windigo - the antisocial mythology creature of the First Nation People


- Cailleach Bheaur
- Baba Yaga


Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Winter solstice

Winter Solstice Traditions

Witch Hunt - Shaman Killers

Wolves, dogs and a fox that hunt the sun and eat it at Ragnaroek Nordic mythology

Yakshas, Hindu gods of wealth

Yao Peoples Danu Festival

Yazidis syncretic religion

Yazilikaya - lunisolar calendar

Yi People New Year Festival


Yule/Jul More of the pagan Wicca tradition - not the old scandinavian one

Zagmuk and the 12 days of Zagmuk

Zapotec religion

Zervan - persernas gamla tids- och ödesgud - var ett lejon som åt upp tiden Från början var Zervan en medisk gud. Senare påverkade Zervanismen massor av andra kulturer och religioner.

Zeus fertility Cult 200 B C


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