| 300 - ovanligt idiotisk historisk film En fascistfilm utan historiska fakta - Spartanerna 'räddade' inte västvärlden från perserna. Aten där alla fick vara med och bestämma var räddaren. Aten hade mycket bättre vetenskaplig utveckling eftersom alla människor tilläts existera i deras samhälle inte bara en massa dumskallar som krigade. Därför hade Aten triremmar och kunde slå tillbaks Persernas flotta.8500 years old Honey Bee Farming (The Human Hunt for Carbohydrates is Very Very Old - surelely older than 8500 years ago)Akha Headdress Symbols of Female Role and Identity (Maybe in rite de passage)Aleppo History with CyAlien Clay head? No don't think so! Don't get fooled!An Echo-message from the ancients Do not kill the monster and cut down his jungle of trees - then the wonderful animal sounds will grow silentAncient boat from Uruk 'Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make the ark with rooms, and shall cover it inside and out with pitch' (Antikythera Thought it was made to calculate the olympic games - wasn't it so?APAAME Aerial Photographic Archive for Archeology in the Middle EastAquifer of ancient Sahara Didn't this techique start further east than Persia? In Tocharian-country?Araña Caves (8000 years old painting)Are you sure it's a ritual table? Maybe it's just a bar for hungry and thirsty travelers? Maybe Siduris bar?Babylonian map of the world British museum/Irving Finkel (Who is the best of the best!)Bad omen? Don't believe in that!Bicun site Google-translated from ChineseButtermilk Creek Complex Arrivals before the Clovis People came to AmericaCapitoleum (sponsrat av Microsoft)Cave hand paintings and sign language Sign language, like hunters and soldiers do, much more probable than mutilation of hands!Cave of swimmers Sure it's not a depiction of forefathers in the afterlife?Ceasar and Pompey Their power would not have been so great if the power elite hadn't taken som much resources from the poor (leading to civilian unrest and squabbling in the power elite)Celtic burial (Everyone and their mom are hysterically happy - finally something Celtic)Cham Facts and details'Chez Siduri (the barmaid from the Epic of Gilgamesh)Children's Archaeology Book Despite the unabashed self-promotion I'm gonna buy the book ;). It seems very interestingChiquihuite Cave Pre- Pre- Clovis (like VERY old - are you really sure?)Cyrus the Great Successful, strategic and popularDer Vorfahr Familjen bodde kvar 5000 år på samma platsDinosaurs - existed or not? Maybe one shouldnt joke about confused people that's been brainwashed?Evolutionary Mismatch? Mistake in the reasoning? We've got the brain to compensate for problems with environment...First farmer and inequality But let's not jump to conclusions yet! We need more proof!From many came few Our origins (Sheridan College - lecturer: Bjarne Kristiansen )Gammal är äldst Jättegamla kinesiska piktogram på bergväggGate to hell (like a modern underground tunnel for cars)Gault Pre-Clovis and ClovisGerman Stonehenge Can a Stone Henge ALSO been a place for a Ting / a Loya Jirga? Not only religous place for funerals and ceremonies concerning nature, food and harvest...Giant hand-axes Unknown human species. It's not a hoax then?Golden tongues (Ca 500 BCE - so it's pretty late in Egypt history)Harbor of Khufu Ancient trade more important than one can believeHarran MiniminutemanHomo Bodoensis Gutsick Gibbon is upset over terminology (I think!)Humans and Deserts To be sure we need several kinds of experts to discuss and evaluate this thoroughlyIndian Bangles Symbols of Female Role and Identity (Maybe in rite de passage)Indus Civilization What did the Middle East sell to the Indus civ.?Is this Dilmun? Oh no, how stupid of me. Of course this is Magan ; )Jenny Clark found Boris and other early fossil tetrapods from the DevonianJust like Abraham and Sara There were real contracts - that's probably why the story is in the bibleJwalapuram Valley Scientists are certain that our forefathers stayed there no later than 74 000 years ago (their descendants would probably populate East Asia and Australia)Järnåldern Länsmuseet GävleborgKan det vara samma jägar-, herdefolk som i Nordafrika/Sahara? De hade också mumifiering (kanske före egyptierna) och var påverkade av samma kultur som egyptierna eller påverkade själva egyptierna... Det bedrivs alldeles för litet forskning på nordafrikansk förhistoriaLion Man (temporary in British Museum - now back in an Ulm Museum presumably?)Liu Bang Emperor Gaozu of HanLUCA Milo RossiLUCA (ancestor of all life on earth)Lägg ner för tusan! Det är hinkar - inka djäkla handväskor!Mal'ta in Siberia Surviving Siberian Culture during the Ice Age (with the first Spiral-symbols?)Marking Time The signs on the Blanchard BoneMayafolkets skriftspråk (Famsi - stiftelse för mellanamerikansk arkeologisk forskning)Mehrgarh figurines Theory: Symbols of Female Role and Identity (Maybe in rite de passage)Metal in the grave Iron age burial of woman around 500 B.C. and 400 A.D, SwedenMiao The fierce protectress became the Moon and Wich goddess pussycatMiao Headdress Symbols of Female Role and Identity (Maybe in rite de passage)Nature of colonialism After the exhibition maybe you should give the stuff back to the countries it belongs toNazca Lines - new theory Maybe it's to do with trade? Like the signs on trading post in North America...No Amazon! Sad - but maybe we could have guessed as much when there were no snow leopards on the hatNumantine War Is the expelling of Jews 139 b.c. the first example of european antisemitism? (It seems monoteism seemed uncivilized to the Romans - today it's the opposite for most Europeans)Offering to the gods? One such offering been described by Ceasar (then concerning the Germanic tribes and later than Bronze age)On Buddhas birth in time and space The time is particularly interesting. Beliefs changed and developed around this time in many placesOne can clearly see the cluster of the Pleiades on the Nebra Disk The Spring festival (Ex: An.Tah.Sum) starts when the Pleiades dissappears (Spring Equinox) and ends when they come back (Ex: Walpurgis/Beltaine) It usually takes 40 daysOracle bones and AI Are you sure you know what you're doing?Overlap (Neanderthals and Homo sapiens)Pegtymel Petroglyphs Wonder if it's the same whale we have in Kiviksgrave, Skåne, Sweden on tomb stones (the fins not perfect though)Petroglyphs of Lake Onega (The pictures don't really show anything that one can understand!)Pictorials Washed Away Have you documented them before destruction?Por-Bajin Are you really really sure they weren't slave traders?Quechua Joe Scott talks about QuechuaRigstula Kast-/Klass-samhället på VikingatidenSacred burial ground? Tänk om de begravde sina religiösa experter (präster) vid Stonehenge?Secrets of Shanidar Professor Emma Pommeroy on Evolution SoupSHE goes hunting too! Didn't women and childre invent spear hunting? At least that was someones theory some time ago.Solon The Goto-man when you wanted to change the society in the antiquitySound Reflecting Shelters Maybe they had story-telling shows in the shelters with lights, shadows and musicSulawesi Maybe the stepping stone to AustraliaSumerians World of AntiquitySunghir / Sungir (scroll down - Don has a lot of commercials on his siteSunghir / Sungir Video - quite unassuming - just short infoThe 300 (It's mostly myth but a dramatic story anyways)The ForeMothers Maybe it was related to a Coming of Age Ritual for girls (you have to spend time in dark cave and then become a women as a part of the female collective)?The Geese of Ra Wonder what constallation it corresponds toThe importance of Miletos (A rich trading city in contact with influences from most of the world. Miletos gave birth to philosophy in the western world)The origin of the Indian Culture and Population No big surprise there! It's a mix of populations and cultures - like all successful civilizationsThe red roof Maybe color red symbolizes lifeforse also - not only blood?The River Nile Cultures interaction Wonder if there was a LAKE Nile culture long long before the River Nile CultureThe Rock-Paintings of Sulawesi The creativity was there all along - from the time when we entered the Arabian peninsula from Africa at leastThree warrior graves Wonder if the number of graves is significant somehow (like in Uppsala)Told in stone Ancient Greek and Roman historyTrojans! Didn't see that one coming.Ugarits arkitektur Intressant bild av Baal med stridsklubba (samma typ som egyptisk stridsklubba?)Unearthed North Irish archeology 2015 - 2018Urukagina and his reforms He wanted to protect the people, protect the weak against the strongVery ancient Chinese laquerware People in China must have understood the use of Anacardiaceae oil for a very long timeWho Invented The Spear & When? Milo (I wish he wouldn't make all these vulgar jokes - otherwise he's such a brilliant narrator)Vi två är en Vårt ursprung i Afrika var litet... splittrat.Virus as Warfare (Homo Sapiens vs Homo Neanderthalensis)Woolly mammoth cells (some scientists should have their heads examined) |