KULTUR<-- Kulturarkiv

ALMA Prize Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award // Bruno K // Kafka and the texts // Poesi // Poetry Foundation // Polar Music Prize // Right livelihood award // Sommartid och Vintertid


Reaction to Goobies story

No free will at all Sapolsky explains frontal lobes and adjustment to society

Books from Sweden – 10 must-reads | sweden.se

Frank Zappa on American culture Yes, he's been dead for a while but still has stuff to say


Cynisk mobbningsbok?

Media Freedoms



Arkiv före år 0

Arkiv efter år 0


African History // Archaeologica // Humans and color of the skin // Nordisk historia // On this day in history Time and Date


Over 3400-yr-old jade, stone 'workshop' discovered at China's legendary Sanxingdui Ruins

Palloures site in Chlorakas

Zerzevan Castle & Mithras worship

Cultural landscape - in Tasmania

How did Neanderthals eat birds?

Tomb of Cerberus in Giugliano

Underground city in Southern Anatolia


SAMTID <-- Samtidsarkiv

Beyoncé: BeyGOOD // Drought list // Earthquake Track // European Roma Rights Center // F A O // Gates Foundation // Global Girls Alliance // Human Rights Watch // Hunger Map // Juan Cole // Nobel Peace Prize // Nobel Prize // OCHA // Om du hamnar hos kronofogden - vad händer? // Reliefweb // Riktiga getbanken/Goat Bank/Ziegebank // Survivors Network // The Olof Palme Prize // The Tech for Global Good // Trevor Noah Foundation


Animal Abuse not acceptable



Taiwan News

Wave of air strikes hit southern, northern cities

Plastic Pollution in the Mongolian steppe

GOP Can't Stop Themselves from Attacking Kamala's Race and Gender!


RELIGION <-- Religionsarkiv

Gudar (Listor på gudar i olika kulturer)

Kalendrar/Calendars (Olika slags religiösa kalendrar, kalendrar som visar himmelsfenomen etc.)

Månens lägen 2024 // Equinoxes and solstices


S:t Olavs Eve



The Feast of the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Orthodox Christians


Jesus' First Followers According to the Q-Source



Steve Treviño: I speak wife

... At Gislaine Maxwells prison... Not sure this is an acceptable joke

The joke police It's this thing with not hurting peoples feelings... One day it could be important...

Put my hand in the mystery box, hold a strangers hand, have a staring contest ANYTHING BUT TALK ABOUT THE ELECTION!

Liberal Redneck - So Joe Biden Dropped Out

Ismo interviewed

Best vs worst jobs - a card game


INTERNT FLAMS // Privat Gabble



Uppdaterad: 2024-07-26 17:12:00