KULTUR<-- Kulturarkiv

Bruno K // Nobel Prize.org // Poesi // Poetry Foundation // Polar Music Prize // Right livelihood award // Sommartid/Vintertid


The secret life of plants S Wonder

The Secret Language of Plants

Bribes Kulinski

OK - vi får väl se hur det går Får vi väl ta det därifrån nästa år

Silence of western feminists...

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming // We're finally on our own // This summer I hear the drumming // Four dead in Ohio

A heroine like no other



Arkiv före år 0

Arkiv efter år 0


African History // Archaeologica // Förintelsens minnesdag // Humans and color of the skin // Nordisk historia // On this day in history Time and Date


Menhir discovery near Halberstadt German state of Saxony-Anhalt

Why Socrates Hated Democracy

Plato's political philosophy

Capacocha rituals It's pretty horrifying!

Descendants of Xiongnu and others (from Central Asia? Or North Asia?)

Punic/Phoenician necropolis

Prostitutes in medieval Avignon


SAMTID <-- Samtidsarkiv

Beyoncé: BeyGOOD // Drought list // Earthquake Track // European Roma Rights Center // Gates Foundation // Global Girls Alliance // Human Rights Watch // Hunger Map // Juan Cole // Nobel Peace Prize // Nobel Prize.org // OCHA // Om du hamnar hos kronofogden - vad händer? // Reliefweb // Riktiga getbanken/Goat Bank/Ziegebank // Survivors Network // The Olof Palme Prize // The Tech for Global Good // Trevor Noah Foundation



A counterfactual analysis quantifying the COVID-19 vaccination impact in Sweden

Bättre tidtabeller kan ge punktligare tåg Det är kanske inte hela sanningen, eller...?

David questions democracy NO, he's not rejecting it

1 in 5 Americans want OUT of Trump's America

collapse of Russian intelligence

firing at a Jaffar Express Train from Quetta to Peshawar


RELIGION <-- Religionsarkiv

Gudar (Listor på gudar i olika kulturer)

Kalendrar/Calendars (Olika slags religiösa kalendrar, kalendrar som visar himmelsfenomen etc.)

Månens lägen 2025 // Equinoxes and solstices

Full Moon Poya Days 2025-2027

Thaipusam 2025-2027


The Holy See

Religious war?

Why catholics put ashes on their head on ash wednesday




Spring equinox in Northern Hemisphere (Autumn Equinox in the southern Hemisphere)


Ostara (Neo-Pagan)

Bahai New Year: Naw-ruz

Jungfru Maria Bebådelse/Vårfrudagen/Våffeldagen

Khordad Sal - Zarathustras birthday

S:t Patricks Day

S:t Josephs Day



When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus.



Rest of the world... Cleese



Getting used to Sweden...




INTERNT FLAMS // Privat Gabble



Uppdaterad: 2025-03-11 16:08:22