KULTUR<-- Kulturarkiv

Bruno K // Nobel Prize.org // Poesi // Poetry Foundation // Polar Music Prize // Right livelihood award // Sommartid och Vintertid


NO NAZI Bullshit !!!!

“The word ‘evil’ doesn’t even begin to approach it.”


Freckleface Strawberry

Down with the Evil Empire!

Trouble in paradise?

Sums it all up...



Arkiv före år 0

Arkiv efter år 0


African History // Archaeologica // Förintelsens minnesdag // Humans and color of the skin // Nordisk historia // On this day in history Time and Date


Tamil Nadu metal working 3300 BCE (BCE= Before Common Era)

Very old Cafeteria

The Saskatchewan findings

183 miljoner år gammal svanödla analyserad

Banzai Charges Paine

Skull Found in Egypt Reveals Unknown 30-Million-Year-Old Predator

Plague transmission may have begun a century before the Black Death


SAMTID <-- Samtidsarkiv

Beyoncé: BeyGOOD // Drought list // Earthquake Track // European Roma Rights Center // Gates Foundation // Global Girls Alliance // Human Rights Watch // Hunger Map // Juan Cole // Nobel Peace Prize // Nobel Prize.org // OCHA // Om du hamnar hos kronofogden - vad händer? // Reliefweb // Riktiga getbanken/Goat Bank/Ziegebank // Survivors Network // The Olof Palme Prize // The Tech for Global Good // Trevor Noah Foundation


Well, he's probably bad news for everyone

Citizen Kane returns fire

Meanwhile in Mordor

The Holy Sea

Karma? Ägaren hade synpunkter på hur de skulle rösta...

Fiberrik mat kan skydda barn mot celiaki

Pete Hegseth's global debut goes HORRIBLY WRONG


RELIGION <-- Religionsarkiv

Gudar (Listor på gudar i olika kulturer)

Kalendrar/Calendars (Olika slags religiösa kalendrar, kalendrar som visar himmelsfenomen etc.)

Månens lägen 2025 // Equinoxes and solstices

Full Moon Poya Days 2025-2027

Thaipusam 2025-2027


Ash Wednesday

Fastan och Påsken

Jungfru Maria Bebådelse/Vårfrudagen/Våffeldagen


Ramadan key dates 2025



When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus.


Why one shouldn't eat in the library

Only they who know where the library is will survive

Different Countries Teach History diffently

Karen land

Spoon emoji

America's Era of Monarchy

The Stock Market loses 1 trillion dollars


INTERNT FLAMS // Privat Gabble



Uppdaterad: 2025-02-19 09:09:09