| 1816 Anna Davour666 Talmystik i bibeln och hos Sokrates - Johannes kunde inte räknaA flashy glamorous dig Well, archeology needs all the PR it can getA modest proposal En otroligt bitter Jonathan Swift ironiserar över 1700-talets maktelitAdolf Stoecker was influenced by, amongst others, Martin LutherAfghanistans historia inte så djup men rätt hyfsad beskrivning av alla perioderAmbush of Heydrich 27 May 1942 One wonders did the act slow down the Holocaust as Heydrich was very much responsibleAquifer of ancient Sahara Didn't this techique start further east than Persia? In Tocharian-country?Axum History with CyBad omen? Don't believe in that!Boudica She might have been wonderful but she was very cruel to civiliansCapacocha Ritual (Look - it's horrific - don't read if you're sensitive) Could this high-altitude be important because it was on the way to the gods in the stars?Causes of the Crimean War (One must observe it's depicted from the western perspectiveChou En-Lai Education makes the leader?De franska kungarna (Obs! under de första Frankerna fanns inte egentliga Frankrike)Den första Internationalen Man måste ha klart för sig en viktig sak om Marx - han trodde på materialism och han trodde att kapitalism var ett viktigt utvecklingsstadium för människans samhälen - det var så att säga Marx religion ; )Dirlewanger and his unit Evil, criminal, stupid in a horrible combinationDjengis Khan Bio His empire was larger than the British and he destroyed Russia - they still don't have any prosperous middle classEveryone and their mother knows that already Where have you been the last couple of hundred years? Wallowing in your own ethnocentricity?Evolutionary Mismatch? Mistake in the reasoning? We've got the brain to compensate for problems with environment...Exempel på medeltida judeförföljelse Det finns tyvärr massor av exempel på judeförföljelse från romartiden till nutidFaisal_bin_Musaid One cannot but wonder at his visit to East Germany in the seventiesFax från tredje århundradet Archimedes texter fanns kvar under grekisk-ortodoxa bönerFörintelsen (Nazisttyskland '30-'40-talet)Go figure! Trumps father’s political sympathiesGolden age of India Don't know how much is true but it's a nice utopiaGustav II of Sweden and the thirty years war The Thirty Years' War was a religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics in GermanyHebreiska språkets historia Litet tungrott med bibeltexter som utgångspunkt men inblick i fler semitiska språkHenry the IV of France The king with the "Paris is well worth a mass"Hideous crime! Punish them by taking their money away!Himeji Castle World Heritage insight into Japans Historical Feudal CultureHimmlers diaries - real? There's missing research on nazism - like what were the sociopsychological, sociocultural, mental, historical as well as economical reasons for it's huge success among the middle class of Germany. Plenty more research is needed! Also; how does demagoguery really work - how do you persuade so many so easily when you lie?History of Khmer Kites (Kleng Ek kites and the Cambodian Kite Festival 6 januari 2010)Hulagu Khan's palace He killed all the citizens of Baghdad 1258, destroyed the Grand Library of Baghdad etc so he was pretty cruelHuns? The Huns made childrens skulls elongated - just like some indian tribesIdus Martii Ceasars death described by a real historianIl Principe (The Prince - by Machiavelli)Israels kungar (även länk till kungarna av Juda)Jordanes Getica Är ingen HISTORISK källa till HÄNDELSER mer till människosyn och kulturJärnåldern Länsmuseet GävleborgKapten svartskäggs skatt Havsarkeologiska lämningar av tidiga råvarukrig'Kväner (Dick Harrison föreläser - handlar om svensk historia också)Macaw farmers Were they part of a luxury trade network?Mad king George Bet he had a cold virus that made him schizofreneMamluks Both Slaves and Rulers at the same timeMark Felton Productions A lot of interesting films about the Nazis (one need a strong stomach - it's about horrible human beings!)Maroons på Jamaica HipHopstjärnan Ms Dynamite berättar om sin idol Nanny och de andra Maroons som bekämpade förtryckarna på Jamaica 1730 - Så spännande!Martin Niemöller Mannen bakom uttrycket "När nazisterna hämtade kommunisterna, teg jag...Metal in the grave Iron age burial of woman around 500 B.C. and 400 A.D, SwedenMoches uppgång, nedgång och fall Aldrig en höjdare att offra varenda en av samhällets friska, starka unga män för att deras aggressiva och virila blod ska säkra samhällets fortsatta existens. Det brukar sluta tvärtom då - och det gjorde det för Moche.Näfelser Fahrt Once the Habsburgs ruled a big chunk of Europe!När Nero slängde de kristna till lejonen Rasism och fascism kanske inte alltid är plattformen för folkmord. Ibland kanke det räcker med behovet att skylla sina misslyckanden på de svagaste i samhället för att en progrom ska dra igång.Once upon a Saudi king Are these conservatives a remnant of the old clan system (or maybe it's called tribe system) ?Oracle bones and AI Are you sure you know what you're doing?Por-Bajin Are you really really sure they weren't slave traders?Potemkin Villages Some historians say it didn't really happenPrinsens grav? (Moche = PreColumbia/PreInka) -Quechua Joe Scott talks about QuechuaRigstula Kast-/Klass-samhället på VikingatidenSacrifice How can you be so definitely sure about the Fimbul winter?SHE goes hunting too! Didn't women and childre invent spear hunting? At least that was someones theory some time ago.Slaget vid Maiwand 1880 Mycket av sakernas tillstånd idag bottnar i krigsstarten 1830Somali modern history - Pirates History with Hilbert - well presented, interesting and knowledgeableSong Dynasty in China Equality, Religous freedom, free citizens (a bit like the European Nordic countries in the 1960s)South Arabia in Late Antiquity Dr. Imar Koutchoukali at The Real Talk Podcast with Terron & RoxannaSt Nicholas grave Guess whose getting all the tourist now! Eat your heart out, Finland!Steve Biko All Africa om Steve Biko:s betydelse för Sydafrikas utvecklingSvenskan som är en fin förebild Engelsmännen borde också lämna igen det som de tagit från GreklandTasting History - Max Miller Funny man, with loads of historic knowledge, cooks dishes from the pastThe Crimean War (from English view - the winner always writes the history)The Marshall plan A brilliant plan that changed a lot at exactly the right timeThe original Faust myth Later translated to drama and stories by Marlowe, Goethe and Bulgakov (among others)The spirit Jorney Home All western countries should do the same cool things that Sweden doneThis is one way of looking at Napoleon and Ceasar Another way of looking at them is as total destroyers av democracy and powerhungry autocrats who'd step over all opposition for total world power. Besides the man who made Ceasar was PompeyTidiga råvarukrig (Om kryddkrig på Shenet - en jättefin växt-, krydd- o parfymsajt)Tugunbulak Medieval silk road findingsWang Mangs öde Sajten nämner inte att han blev skjuten med pil innan han blev halshuggen eller De Röda Ögonbrynens Revolt men i övrigt har de förvånansvärt bra faktaViking Slave Economy A remnant of that old culture existed in Russia!You may forget but Sappho (Från Emules fantastiska jättediktarkiv)Ännu mer om Sri Lankas historia Täcker även holländarnas och engelsmännens erövringar, de arabiska köpmännen etc. |